
advertisements on Twitter

People usually have controversial feelings about online advertisements or about advertisements at all. On the other hand a lot of radio and TV channels, magazines, newspapers and lately websites, blogs are living on them.

As a "receiver" I also have an inner resistance against advertisements but several times I click on them even on the internet because I am interested or the ad is funny/creative. As an active blogger beside the google adsense "pocket money" I have never dealt with ads. But after a while advertisers or their agents were contacting me asking about  opportunities. It was a sort of honor and I realized that it was not impossible to make some money online.

Since twitter is a very recent hype of course advertisements can't avoid it. I try to balance when it comes to placing ads onto my accounts. Very early I have learned the lesson that people are willing to follow you if:

- you share interesting content
- you communicate with them.

If your account is a cemetery of links, and most of them are stupid advertisements that just wanna sell something people will immediately unfollow and even block you.

Basically I set up some rules for myself:

1. every ads are placed/moderated manually by me. I do not allow any automated system, I wanna see what is going out under my name. I usually try to publish ads that are relevant to my usual contents.
2. I never publish more ads after each other. Just like on the TV. Between contents has to be some ads and not between ads has to be some content. This is very important.
3. I do not allow any ads about adult content, drugs and gambling. And I HATE brainless advertisements with nonsense content or with pushy aggressive style.

At times ads are very cool, creative and interesting. It is very rare but publishing them might be a real win-win situation.

Recently I am using these two systems for placing ads on twitter: gives you quite high prices for a tweet. One of my accounts being registered there has about 1600 followers and a tweet costs $1,3. An other account has already 17000 followers the price here is $13,68.

In this system your account will be listed for the advertisers and as soon as you are chosen by any of them you can decide if you publish or not their ads. My experience is that even with 20k followers you will be rarely chosen but when you are the amount you get will be a relevant one.

The other thing I like in is their account analytics system. With this tool you can understand better your followers and you can modify your strategy if it is necessary.

The other system is Here you can pick up the advertisements by yourself from a list and you will get a revenue of $0,05-0,1 if someone has clicked on the posted tweet. So here you do not have to wait for being chosen but on the other hand you have to be more careful because the temptation is large. If you post too many ads followers will leave you. My experience is that the advertisements in this system are mostly "junks" but if you catch a good/interesting one you can easily generate some money.

 When it comes to payment both sites are reliable. I wrote this post only after making sure I was paid.


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