


Vine is an app for smartphones that lets users create and share six-second videos. Even though videos are limited to six seconds, you can start and stop recording as many times as you’d like during that time to include several different scenes. That gives you a creative space to compose your work.

I falled in love with this gadget immediately as I find it very creative and social media friendly.

Vine videos also include trending hashtags, which make exploring content on the platform easier, and boasts verified badges for high-profile users.


We Use Gadgets - we are a team who enjoy using smart language learning apps and edu tech apps that use technology to enhance the learning experience for students. Game apps, sports intelligence, self-driving vehicles, and other cutting-edge technologies are also a focus of our coverage. Wearable tech, such as fitness trackers and smart glasses, are a frequent topic, as are the internet of things (IoT) and smart canvas and smart paintings that incorporate technology into art.