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About the domain : high definition - 6600 Searches ( alone with 488,000,000 Number of results 10.97$ CPC
HD -Has a whooping 74000 Searches from US alone.

It is an awesome TLD for entrepreneurs who can't afford or don't want to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a .com, or for those who want a really cool domain. The word High Definition is quite easy to remember. We are living in an age where all the people have access to high end devices like mobiles, cameras, TV's etc... By this you can really access the HUGE potential of the market.


We Use Gadgets - we are a team who enjoy using smart language learning apps and edu tech apps that use technology to enhance the learning experience for students. Game apps, sports intelligence, self-driving vehicles, and other cutting-edge technologies are also a focus of our coverage. Wearable tech, such as fitness trackers and smart glasses, are a frequent topic, as are the internet of things (IoT) and smart canvas and smart paintings that incorporate technology into art.