
Mozilla Kills Firefox OS Internet of Things (#IoT) devices

Mozilla decided to pivot Firefox OS from powering phones and tablets to powering Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

"We have shifted our internal approach to the internet-of-things opportunity to step back from a focus on launching and scaling commercial products to one focused on research and advanced development, dissolving our connected devices initiative and incorporating our internet-of-things explorations into an increased focus on emerging technologies," Mozilla told CNET in 2015. Now that dream is dead too.


We Use Gadgets - we are a team who enjoy using smart language learning apps and edu tech apps that use technology to enhance the learning experience for students. Game apps, sports intelligence, self-driving vehicles, and other cutting-edge technologies are also a focus of our coverage. Wearable tech, such as fitness trackers and smart glasses, are a frequent topic, as are the internet of things (IoT) and smart canvas and smart paintings that incorporate technology into art.

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